Our Services
We offer a range of services to support and connect our community.

Classes & Workshops
We offer lots of exciting courses and workshops – there really is something for everyone!

Woodend Food Bank
Everyone is welcome at the Woodend Food Bank.
Find us in the Undercroft (access via the gates next to the Skate Park off Margery Crescent) on a Monday and Thursday between 12.30pm - 2.30pm.

Woodend Community Lunch
Join us at one of our monthly Community Lunches for a delicious two-course meal.
Everyone is welcome.

Woodend Repair Café
Our Repair Café is all about reminding people that so many things can be as good as new with a little bit of know-how.
The Repair Cafe operates on the first Saturday of the month between 9am - 1pm.
Woodend Bike Shed
The Woodend Community Bike Shed is the perfect spot for a quick tune-up, a friendly chat, or simply a place to hang your helmet.
Meets fortnightly on a Thursday between 4pm - 5.30pm.

Woodend Book Swap
Join the worldwide book sharing movement and find your next read. Both adult and children's books available.
We have a small book swap outside the House (accessible at anytime) and a larger selection inside in the Shirley Perrott Lounge.

Drop off your bread tags, batteries, bottle tops, mobile phones or other small e-waste to the House for recycling.
The tubs are located outside for easy access at anytime (except for the batteries tub, which is in reception).

Party Hire Kit
Reduce waste and save money with our reusable party kits. Each kit contains plastic plates, bowls, cutlery, cups and more. Wash the kit after use and return it to the House to be used again and again. Bookings essential.

IT Help Sessions
The Woodend Neighbourhood House offers IT Help by appointment on a Wednesday between 1pm - 3pm.
Our friendly IT volunteer can help you complete forms online, or navigate your devices. ​
Make an appointment by getting in touch with the Woodend Neighbourhood House on 5427 1845 or email reception (reception@woodendnh.org.au).

Office Services
Our office services include photocopying, printing, laminating and scanning.
We also offer water resistant
Aqua Paper!
Download our Printing and Laminating price list.

Our Village
Drop-Off Point
We accept baby and children items in excellent, clean condition for Our Village (previously St Kilda Mums). Items can be dropped off in the week prior to a scheduled pick up.
Contact us to find out when the next pick up is scheduled and visit the Our Village website or email hello@ourvillage.org.au to access the list of items they can rehome.